7851 - Lilla 7851 - Lilla

North America
  • Publish Date: 21-06-24
  • Price: $9,000.00

Located in Cleveland OH, this boat sailed the 2023 Western Hemi's and is all ready to go.  New North Sails that were used ONLY during the Westerns.  North M-06 Mainsail & J-0 Jib.  2 additional suites of sails & mast up cover & trailer.  Digital compass &…

Located in Cleveland OH, this…

Location: Lorain, OH USA

Year Built: 1995

Mast wanted. west coast USA Mast wanted. west coast USA

North America
  • Publish Date: 21-06-24

Looking for a star boom on the  west coast. Sf/SD

Looking for a star boom on the …

Location: SF

wanted Star Boom wanted Star Boom

North America
  • Publish Date: 21-06-24

looking for a Star boom on the west coast USA

looking for a Star boom on the…

Location: SF Bay/ San Deigo